Shooting High

Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~The storm of the hungry Musketeer~”

Soldier A: ...ah, wh... that!? Heading toward us in a high-speed backflip... I think... was that Ninety-san?

Ninety: ......! ....., .........!!

Soldier A: Please stop for a moment!I can’t read what’s on your blackboard like this!

Soldier A: Umm... “Growl growl. Empty stomach hurts!” ...shall I prepare a meal for you?

Ninety: ....., ........!

Soldier A: Huh? .....Gah!? What are you doing so suddenly, Ninety-san!?

Ninety: .......? ...........

Soldier A: Aaaah, you stole all of the food I had on me... And this... “That’s it? Disappointed,” he says...!

Ninety: .....! .......!!

Soldier B: Ah, Ninety-san. What are you… A-Aaah! My sandwich is—!!

Soldier A: Oh... He’s so agile when it comes to stealing food...!

Soldier A: Once he gets going like that, Ninety-san can’t be stopped... Ha...

Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~The spy saw it! ~The final weapon is...~”

Soldier A: ...ah, hah...... Ninety-san, just how fast are you!?

Soldier B: Just when we think we’ve gotten him indoors, he escapes through the window. When we think we’ve gotten him trapped up a tree, he jumps to a passing truck......

Soldier A: It doesn’t matter. We still have to catch him. Since Ninety-san devoured all of the food for the dinner party, our superiors are pissed.

Soldier B: The royal families from various places have already been invited, right? This isn’t good...

Soldier A: Wait a second... I see him! It’s Ninety-san!

Soldier B: Ugh, this time he’s on the roof...? It can’t be helped.I didn’t want to have to use this, but it’s our trump card.

Soldier A: Wha... th-that’s...!

Soldier B: From the World Emperor’s own purveyor... Requiring a reservation three months in advance, the finest luxury chocolate selection!

Ninety: ..........

Soldier A: Ah, Ninety-san! Wasn’t he on the roof a second ago...!?

Ninety: ..........!!

Soldier B: “Good smell.” ...I guess. Look, I’ll give you this, so would you please come with us?

Ninety: ......., ........♪

Soldier A: W-With something like this, it really was easy to catch him...!

Soldier B: And what’s something like this? This chocolate only cost the entirety of a month’s salary for me, you see?

Soldier A: Haa... If you’re in the same unit as Ninety-san, the value of money gets all screwed up...!

Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~Everyone’s pet?~”

Ninety: .........., ........, .........!

Hokusai: Hey, Ninety-kun! “Good sweet smell” ...? Ahaha, that’s the sharp sense of smell I expect~

Hokusai: This is a strawberry that I was involved in developing. Isn’t it a gorgeous blue color~?

Hokusai: On top of that, I was particular about using the highest class fertilizer! Delicious, huh~? Do you wanna eat it?

Ninety: ......! .........!!

Hokusai: Yeah, yeah, you want it enough to do a trick~

Hokusai: Well then... if you can do it well, I’ll give it to you~

Hokusai: ...alright, paw!

Ninety: .....!

Hokusai: Oh, good job. Excellent~! Here, go ahead and eat.


Hokusai: Aaah! Ouch! Stop it, don’t bite my hand!

Ninety: .......!

Hokusai: ..... “It was yummy.” No, not like that~ Owww... There are distinct tooth marks in my hand...!